Season 5


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Medicine is vast - far beyond just the doctor and the patient. While the doctor deals with the immediacy of care, this series contends with the complexity of the environment that medicine is practised in, through talking to individuals with lives outside of medicine, whose work, in varying degrees, intersect with medicine.


Medicine emphasises the fiduciary relationship between doctor and patient- in this segment, we speak to individuals who take a step backwards, and look at medicine in the broader context of society. With their deep expertise in the social sciences, they help us make sense of why we practise the way we do - or imagine an alternative future. 

Sex & Gender

As Healthcare professionals we have a duty to serve all. In this season, we seek to talk to individuals with expertise in the intersection of identity and healthcare delivery, including sexual minorities, trauma, and the rising role of women in medicine in Singapore.

Civil Society

As a healthcare worker, there will be moments when we wonder if there is a better way, either in changing the reasons that led to a patient’s stay, or their life upon discharge. We talk to individuals who took the extra step to participate in civil society to advocate for systemic change.

🏳️‍⚧️Pride Month Feature Episode 🏳️‍🌈
In this episode, we talk to June Chua, founder of The T Project, the first and only social service for the transgender community in Singapore providing counselling, shelter, and a community centre. She shares the challenges and barriers the transgender community face when seeking gender affirming care, and how we can create a more inclusive healthcare environment for all.

Professor Paul Tambyah, President of the International Society of infectious Disease and Senior Consultant of Infectious Disease at National University Hospital, talks about advocacy in civil society. He shared with us about where his advocacy work all began, his take on the healthcare system, and how medical students can start advocating right now.

In this episode, we talk to Dr Angela Tan, who is a palliative care physician, life coach, and intimacy coach. We discuss what her work entails, the limitations of mainstream medicine when tackling sexual health, and how we can all work towards improving the sexual health environment.

In this episode, we speak to Dr Joanne Yoong, senior economist and director at the Centre for Economic and Social Research, University of Southern California. We discuss the concept of integrated care and its incorporation into Singapore’s healthcare system, define economic terms in healthcare, and highlight why an understanding of healthcare financing is advantageous to medical students.

In this episode, we talk to Associate Professor Khoo Hoon Eng. She is the Associate Dean of Faculty for academic affairs at the Yale-NUS college, and the former vice dean of education in Yong Loo Lin school of Medicine. She shares her personal journey across disciplines, and across places, her own personal education background in liberal arts, and her professional experience starting and building liberal arts institutions.

Dr Rayner Tan is a postdoctoral fellow at the Project China, in the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and a visiting research fellow at Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, NUS and at the National Centre for Infectious Diseases. In this episode, he talks about his public health research in HIV, and marginalised populations at large in Singapore; and how his sociology background influences his methodology.

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